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Binaural Acoustic Ray Tracer Demo Video

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Put your headphones on for this one! You'll need both channels to fully appreciate this

I started with The Jacksons' classic song "Can You Feel It"
The reason I chose this song is because it has extensive vamping, and it's disco style, meaning that the noise level will be relatively constant. This allows me to show off the directional features with my program without any side variables interfering with the intensity of the sound (like changes in the loudness of the song).

I just moved around the room and did the impulse responses over and over again, so it looks and sounds like I'm moving through a 3D hallway with a boombox playing.

NOTE: Unfortunately, there is some noise with the method that I'm using, but the basics of reverberation and binaural position sensing aren't affected too adversely

NOTE ALSO: Sometimes when people view this video, they get confused when the boombox is to the left and to the right (because it sounds like it's the other way around). But this is because when you're on the right of the boombox, for example, you're closer to the wall, so you hear stronger reverberation in your right ear. when the reverb is turned down, it sounds a little more natural (I did this video with super reflective walls). Try looking in Results/hallway_lowreflectivity for an example like this

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