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COS 429 Assignment #4: Classification

Chris Tralie
Platform: Windows 7 using Matlab 7.9.0 (R2009b)
Assignment Specification


The purpose of this assignment was to explore the use of Naive Bayes model for image classification. Click here for a description of this model

Matlab's K-Means Function

Initial Results

NOTE: My program has the following syntax:

ImClassify(number of patches, number of codewords in the codebook, distance type (either 'sqEuclidean' or 'cityblock'), use corner information:1/0)

Overall, the results are not great. This is to be expected, since we're only taking 10 training images per class. They are at least better than consistently random (which would be 0.1, assuming each image had an equal probability of falling into any 1 of the 10 classes). This is a start. Varying a few parameters can help:

NOTE: In the confusion matrix results below, an entry in row x column y corresponds to the probability of classifying an object in class x as being part of class y. This means that the probabilities should sum to 1 within a column.
ALSO NOTE: In the confusion matrices, the objects are listed in alphabetical order from row 1 to row 10 and column 1 to column 10: {airplane, butterfly, camera, helicopter, lotus, panda, pizza, pyramid, snoopy, yin_yang}

  1. Fixing the number of random 11x11 samples per image to 50 (both for creating the codebook and for classifying), and varying the number of entries in the codebook:

    Codebook entriesConfusion Matrix
    Click here to see the patches in the codebook
    Correctly classified 23% of time
    Click here to see the patches in the codebook
    Correctly classified 29.5% of time
    Click here to see the patches in the codebook
    Correctly classified 32.5% of time
    Click here to see the patches in the codebook
    Correctly classified 27.5% of time
    Increasing the number of codewords in the codebook helps up to a point, and then it just gets to be too many (since the space is so high dimensional). The best number of patches seems to be about 100.

  2. Fixing the number of codewords to 100 and varying the number of random patches:
    Random patches takenConfusion Matrix
    Click here to see the patches in the codebook
    Correctly classified 28.5% of time
    Click here to see the patches in the codebook
    Correctly classified 32.5% of time
    Click here to see the patches in the codebook
    Correctly classified 31.5% of time
    Varying the number of samples also helps initially, because the probability that important features get picked up with random samples increases with the number of samples taken.

Trying to Improve Results with Corner Detection

To try to improve the results, I tried to give the Naive Bayes a "push in the right direction" by picking up on some features first when sampling patches (instead of doing it completely randomly). I decided to use my corner detector from assignment 1. If there weren't enough strong corners, I simply filled in the rest of the patches with random samples. But this way at least, I hoped to make better use of my samples (especially when using a sparser set). Here are some of the results I got (fixing codebook size to 100):

Random patches takenRandomUsing Corner Information
2028.5% correctly classified
Click here to see codebook
29% correctly classified
Click here to see codebook
5032.5% correctly classified
Click here to see codebook
38% correctly classified
Click here to see codebook
10031.5% correctly classified
Click here to see codebook
43.5% correctly classified(!!)
Click here to see codebook
It appears that using the corner detector actually does boost performance, as it consitently beats out random sampling. Looking at the codebooks, it's not hard to see why. In particular, compare the codebooks with 50 and 100 samples between using corners and not using corners. The random ones (without corners) have many more patches that are constant shades of grey (without much other detail) or just one edge, which I would argue are much less descriptive than the patches that have a lot "going on" in the codebooks that use corners.


Using Naive Bayes on a really small data set sucks. A few things that can improve it slightly are choosing the number of codewords to be around 100 and increasing the number of random patches taken (though this has diminishing returns). Also, using corner information (instead of just taking random patches) can significantly boost performance.
Also, butterflies are the hardest images to recognize.

Code Summary

CannyGradient.mCannyGradient filter from assignment 1 (used with corner detection)
CornerFind.mThe corner finder from assignment 1, slightly modified to return corner centers in descending order or strength
estimateClass.mGiven an image, a codebook, and a histogram associated with the codebook for each class, this function returns the class that the image most likely belongs to
getRandPatch.mReturns a random 11x11 grayscale patch from an image as a 121-D vector
ImClassify.mThe main program that goes through and loads all of the images, and connects the different phases of the image classification pipeline
OutputCodeBook.mOutputs the codebook from the current session as a PNG image (this is how I generated the codebooks for viewing in my data section above)
randuint.mReturn a random unsigned 32-bit integer in a certain range
TrainCodeBook.mGiven a set of training images, create a codebook and histogram associated with that codebook for each class

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