The left radar shows objects that are in front of the ship, and the right radar shows objects that are behind the ship. Enemy ships are drawn as red dots, the enemy ship that the player has targeted is a white dot, and all other objects (asteroids, other space junk) are are blue dots.
Towards the beginning of the video, notice the correct momentum response that is induced when the player ship hits into asteroids; the player ship slows down and the asteroids fly off in a particular direction based on where the collision occurred. Also, note right at the end just as the player ship blows up, you can see an asteroid collide with another asteroid in the distance.
Between 0:34 and 0:36, notice how a box is drawn around the ship that the player has targeted.
As the player fires the ship laser, the green bar drains. But lasers can be regenerated
As the player ship loses shields, the blue bar drains (but shields can be regenerated). As the player ship loses health, the red bar drains, and the ship cockpit turns progressively more red. Health does not regenerage. Once health goes down to zero, the ship begins to explode and the player loses control; the ship continues on its current trajectory for 3 seconds until the explosion is complete. 0:43 shows an example of the player ship being shot down in this manner
Towards the end the swarming behavior of the enemy AI can be seen as I choose an external camera angle. They are able to successfully head towards the player without hitting each other and without crashing into asteroids. At the very end we can see a few ships with low health that are in kamakazie mode and attempt to crash into the player ship.